humble swim lessons

My biggest dream has come true!

My biggest dream has come true!!! And it was a dream that I thought would take years to accomplish. I am so blessed that I was in the right place at the right time.

Introducing All Things Swim with Coach Emily’s first and very own brick and mortar swim school!!

I could never have done this without the support of my family, my friends, my loyal clients, the community for recommendations and referrals, and for a loving Heavenly Father.

humble swim school bathroom

I am so excited I don’t really know what else to say other than All Things Swim is going to keep saving lives and making swim fun.

Stayed tuned for info on a Grand Opening celebration and when lessons will move to MY NEW FACILITY! An indoor pool! Two restrooms with showers! And an office/family room.

humble swim school

Here are some before photos… can’t wait to make it look like a magical and fun experience for all my little best friends! Thank you again! I get to live my passion every day and I love every minute of it!!