humble swimming lessons school opening

Montly Pre-payment for lessons required starting January 2020


Effective January 1, 2020

We are switching to a monthly charge/prepayment for lessons. Your monthly charge will be for the full amount of lessons each month. If payment in full is not received on the 1st of the month there will be a $50 late fee.

There will be NO REFUNDS for missed lessons.

We will offer ONLY ONE schedule change/makeup per month. This will align us with other children’s activities and sports who also charge as a monthly fee instead of a week by week fee.

This policy will also ensure that I do not have to go through my schedule and different payment methods every day after work to make sure I received payment. If I have to invoice due to late payments additional fees apply. Payments are currently due ON OR BEFORE each lesson through the end of 2019. This policy has been in place but I am still having to send payment requests and have not been charging late fees as I should.

Thank you for understanding that policies may continue to change as All Things Swim continues to grow and policies that are already in place are not honored.

Thank you,
Coach Emily