humble swim school grand opening

Humble Swim School Open House

What a wonderful celebration! I hated delaying this post but my body told me to take the day and rest yesterday.

I have so many thanks to give. I tried in a little speech and for those who were there I am so sorry I was an emotional (but happy) mess!!

humble private swimming lessons teacher jumping for joy

So I am making a list here:
God-He aligned everything in my life. My struggles were his will for me to get to this place where everything could come together. He gave me peace when I was not peaceful. Strength when I was weak. And people in my life who love me as much as I love them.

humble swim coach

My husband Billy. There aren’t enough words to express my deep gratitude for his support and hard work to make this happen. He finished renovations 10 minutes after the event started and managed to shower and join us outside right on time. I love you Billy.

My children. They held down the fort while all of our energy went into this facility. They are my reason.

olivia drowning survivor

Olivia is my miracle baby and drowning survivor which fuels my passion for water safety.

There were 3 investors who I would like to remain private. They know who they are. We could have moved in and started lessons right away. They dreamed for me as big or bigger than I do for myself. This place is what it is thanks to them!!

Loren Stanton for raising funds and donating herself toward a new heater when ours went out 3 days before opening and all of the others who supported that.

Eduardo Camacho and crew. He was my dad’s right hand man and he stepped in just as my daddy would to make these renovations happen on time and that they would be more beautiful than I could have dreamed of. He worked after hours outside of his other jobs to get this done. I’m so grateful to him and now I have a piece of my father here in this beautiful space.

Tiffany Harston of Tiffany Harston Photography. She was with me from the very beginning creating a beautiful website, public relations, professional photography, and more!

humble swim school

The Orr Family and Kingwood Pressure Washing for taking care of the pool deck and windows.

Roman Chenault with Expert Contracting (another tenant in our building) for a discount on our flooring.

Alicia Oates with Paint Slingers is the best face painter I have ever seen!

Any Butler Bynum with Rhinestone Cheetah for our decals on our doors and our custom T-shirt’s.

humble swimming lessons school opening

Lauren Lindley with Bom Bom Balloons Kingwood for donating our gorgeous balloon garland.

Humble Party Rentals for our Bounce House.

Yummy Dog Food truck for our yummy food.

Jai Tejero for my perfect logo.

My Mom, Jake and Stephanie, Katelynn and Jai, Maggie and Kyle, and Sam. My family is my everything.

Katelynn and Jai Tejero thank you for all the extra snacks and drinks and cooler, Jennifer Clark and Kelly Moses for the sweets, my Landlord Tweety for the fruit trays, the Reese Family for the Cotton Candy Machine, and the Pavlicek Family for loaning their cooler.

Roxey Koonce we have been thick as thieves since we were 14. You have always been there for me. Thank you for showing up early and taking care of every last minute detail. I knew it would be ok if there were little things that weren’t quite done. Everything I wanted for my space and my celebration that we might not have gotten to was taken care of because of you.

The San Miguel Family for loaning us their PA system.

The Stephens Family and the Bahler Family for their outdoor games.

All of our vendors! I hope all the best for you! I love supporting small local business. Especially other woman business owners.

humble swimming lessons teachers

My staff Ella, Ellee, and Alyssa. Thank you for all you do to make my job easier. It’s so amazing to be doing this with a team all around me.

Last but not least I am over the moon for my friends and clients. This was a dream of mine for a long time. I live in the pool. A body of water is all I need to do this work. But I wanted more for you and I hope you are pleased with this space. It belongs to YOU!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! It was so surreal today to unlock my doors and go to work this morning. I love you all. I am so overwhelmed with so many emotions. I’m grateful, humbled, blessed, full of love and beyond excited!!

Welcome to All Things Swim Humble!!

Coach Emily